Circulation The Movie.





Kirk Teare

How would you DESCRibe Circulation? 

Diverse with specific intent
— Kirk

"The main goal of CIRCULATION was to represent snowboarding in a different way; our way.  It's a condensed version of everything myself, Greg, Xander and others are into, put together in one place. We wanted a diverse video with specific intent.  Overall, it's a video that embraces the process and how we view it differently than others." -Kirk Teare


Xander Raith

How would you describe Circulation?

The difference
— Xander

“The video can speak for itself.  I wanted to create a piece that solely encompassed what I enjoy and how I choose to view and embrace it.  Rather than creating the next ‘duplicate’ internet video, we wanted to do something that was anything but distinguishable. The intent for this project was to capture the difference. In short, from beginning to end, this project is simply a viewable representation of my interests.” - Xander Raith

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How would you DESCRibe Circulation?

The starting point
— Greg

CIRCULATION to me is the time of year that I get to spend with my friends. It’s the starting point when plans materialize and the intensity of ambitions ensue. The video is a concept that is intended to be built upon. This is just the beginning.” - Greg Kennagh